• Question: how do bacteria survive in super hot temperatures such as hot springs? please talk about the membranes

    Asked by is to Aaron, Ananthi, Ashley, Christopher, Emma, Lea on 12 Nov 2017.
    • Photo: Ananthi Ramachandran

      Ananthi Ramachandran answered on 12 Nov 2017:

      Bacteria that survive in extremely hot conditions are called thermophiles. They have certain qualities that let them survive, e.g very stable enzymes, other compounds present that increase the stability of the organisms proteins and as you asked some complicated lipids that form a very thick impermeable membrane that protects the organism from the extreme heat conditions. That’s my basic knowledge of bacteria that survive hot temperatures!

    • Photo: Emma Stevenson

      Emma Stevenson answered on 12 Nov 2017:

      I don’t think I can add much to what Ananthi has said. 😀

    • Photo: Aaron Brown

      Aaron Brown answered on 12 Nov 2017:

      I believe Ananthi has summed this up 🙂
