• Question: what is bacteria makes you the sickest and what one is the most common

    Asked by 969mcrk46 to Ananthi on 5 Nov 2017.
    • Photo: Ananthi Ramachandran

      Ananthi Ramachandran answered on 5 Nov 2017:

      This is a great question! First of all common bacteria! There are lots of common bacteria. In fact our skin is covered in a layer of bacteria. But this is what’s called our “normal flora”. This means it’s part of us and won’t cause us any harm one of these is called Staphylococcus epidermidis. Most bacteria have very long names! In the same way there is also normal flora in our gut (our belly). As for the bacteria that makes you sickest that depends on what you think is the worst disease in the world? 2 called Clostridium tetani and Clostridium botulinum are bacteria that produce very strong toxins and when that gets into your body it can make you very sick. Bacteria that get into your bloodstream can make you very sick indeed!
