• Question: favorite childhood moment

    Asked by 526mcrk23 to Aaron, Ananthi, Ashley, Christopher, Emma, Lea on 9 Nov 2017.
    • Photo: Lea Carlesso

      Lea Carlesso answered on 9 Nov 2017:

      I grew up in the French Alps (the mountains) and every summer we were going picking wild blueberries in the mountains with my family. My brother and I were always eating more than we were picking, and we always ended the face all blue from eating to many fruits.
      Then on the evening my mother was making a fresh blueberries tart and the next day we were washing all the rest of blueberries to make jam we would eat over winter.
      I loved that.

    • Photo: Ananthi Ramachandran

      Ananthi Ramachandran answered on 9 Nov 2017:

      All of my childhood was amazing! Full of fun and laughter! I wish I appreciated it more at the time but I am certainly very grateful for it now!

    • Photo: Christopher Richardson

      Christopher Richardson answered on 10 Nov 2017:

      Honestly…..all of secondary school! I literally had the best time of my life there! All my best mates in school are still my friends now as well so I still feel like a child!

    • Photo: Emma Stevenson

      Emma Stevenson answered on 10 Nov 2017:

      Playing on the beach with my family!

    • Photo: Aaron Brown

      Aaron Brown answered on 13 Nov 2017:

      Has to be playing out on my bike and messing about at the park 🙂
