• Question: could protozoans be used for treatment for small / large open wounds that are infected by spreading them across it and would they eat the bacteria / germs infecting the wound?

    Asked by osmium456 to Ananthi on 12 Nov 2017.
    • Photo: Ananthi Ramachandran

      Ananthi Ramachandran answered on 12 Nov 2017:

      Hi, great question, it is a possibility, for example I know there are a lot of amoebae that feed on bacteria, However you have to make sure that by using amoebae for example there will be no side effects on the human! That’s the key point, you may be able to get rid of the bacteria one way but at the same time you have to make sure you are not doing more harm in the process!

      I work with viruses that attack bacteria (bacteriophages) and already in countries like Georgia and Poland they are putting the bacteriophages on bandages and other wound dressings to help with infections!
